- What is the medium of instruction at ASBU?
The medium of instruction for undergraduate programs is 100% English at ASBU. Except for;
- Islamic Studies: %30 Arabic - %70 Turkish
- Law: %30 English - %70 Turkish
- Turkish Language and Literature: %100 Turkish
Please check the websites of each graduate program that you want to apply.
- Am I supposed to be proficient in Turkish?
For Turkish-medium programs, you have to be proficient in Turkish. You can apply for a program without a Turkish Proficiency test score. That’s totally fine. If you are accepted, you will take the ASBU Turkish Proficiency Exam. Please check the websites of the faculty that you want to apply.
- Am I supposed to be proficient in English?
For English-medium programs, you have to be proficient in English. You can apply for a program without an English Proficiency test score. That’s totally fine. If you are accepted, you will take the ASBU English Proficiency Exam.
Please check the websites of the faculty that you want to apply.
- Should I need to translate my documents to Turkish?
Please submit your documents in either English or Turkish.
- When can I apply to the undergraduate / graduate programs?
You can apply for both undergraduate and graduate programs all year round. There is no deadline.
- When do I receive the results of my application?
You will be informed about your results via email. There is no specific date for the announcement of the results.
- How can I apply to the undergraduate / graduate programs?
Please visit;
undergraduate programs: https://isoafls.asbu.edu.tr/welcome
graduate programs: https://isoaf.asbu.edu.tr/welcome
You should upload your documents here.
We do not accept any hardcopies or e-mails.
- I want to send my application documents via e-mail. Can I?
Applicants need to upload required documents to the online system. Documents sent via e-mail will not be accepted.
- I cannot upload my documents to the online application system. What am I supposed to do?
For undergraduate applications, contact us via undergrad.admission@asbu.edu.tr or +90 312 596 48 91
For graduate applications, contact us via grad.admission@asbu.edu.tr or+90 312 596 48 97
- Should I pay an application fee?
No, there is no application fee for international students.
- How much is the tuition fee?
6.000 tl per year for both undergraduate and graduate studies.
- Should I take SAT? Is it possible to apply with my diploma or my national exam score?
You do not need to take SAT or YÖS. If you have already taken these exams, please upload the scores. If you haven’t, you can just submit your diploma and transcript. That’s totally fine.
- Should I take GRE?
You do not need to take GRE. If you have already taken this test, please upload the scores. If you haven’t, that’s totally fine.
- Does ASBU conduct YÖS? Do you accept a YÖS score from another university?
ASBU does not conduct YÖS exam. However, if you have a YÖS score from another university, upload the score.
- Do I have to take TOEFL / IELTS?
You do not have to take TOEFL. We cannot accept the IELTS scores because of the decision taken by the Council of Higher Education. If you have already taken any English proficiency exam, please upload the scores. If you haven’t, you can apply for a program without an English Proficiency test score. That’s totally fine. If you are accepted, you will take the ASBU English Proficiency Exam.
- I have not graduated from high school yet. Can I still apply?
Yes. You can upload your transcript or an official document (Transitory Graduation Certificate from your high school) stating that you are expected to graduate at a certain date with your current CGPA.
- I have not obtained my high-school diploma yet. Can I still apply?
Yes. If you have not received your diploma yet, you can submit an official document (Temporary Graduation Certificate from your high school) stating that you have graduated but your diploma is still being prepared.
- What are the requirements for undergraduate degree programs?
- A recent full-face passport size photograph in jpeg form
- Diploma
- Transcript
- SAT / YÖS (other international or national exams can be accepted) (optional)
- Language Proficiency Score ( TOEFL, YDS, etc.) (optional)
- Financial support letter (optional)
You can apply with only your diploma and transcript or an international exam score.
You can apply without a Language Proficiency Score. If you are accepted, you will take the ASBU English Proficiency Exam.
- What are the requirements for graduate programs?
- Your recent full-face passport size photograph in jpeg form
- Diploma
- Transcript
- GRE / GMAT (all international and national exams are accepted)
- Language Proficiency Score (TOEFL, YDS, etc.)
- Letter of Intention
- Reference letters
- Financial support letter (optional)
You can apply with only your diploma and transcript or an international exam score.
You can apply without a Language Proficiency Score. If you are accepted, you will take the ASBU English Proficiency Exam. For further information, please check the relevant Institute’s website regarding the programs that you apply for.
- Institute for Graduate Studies in Social Sciences: https://sbe.asbu.edu.tr/tr
- Institute for Islamic Studies: https://hbae.asbu.edu.tr/tr
- Institute for Area Studies: https://asben.asbu.edu.tr/en
- Do you have any nationality-based quota?
No, there is no national quota. Nationality or any other ascribed status does not make a difference before or during your study.
- Does ASBU provide scholarships for the International Students?
ASBU does not provide any scholarship. However, please visit:
Other Scholarships for International Students
- Türkiye Scholarships: It is a scholarship given by Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığı. For detailed information please see; https://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/en/english-home/
- TÜBITAK Scholarship (2215, 2235, 2216): It is a scholarship given by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. For detailed information, please see http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/en
- I have dual nationality. Can I still apply?
Yes, you can.
- Do you provide dormitory for international students?
No, ASBU does not have a dormitory but there are many public and private dormitories nearby.
- How can I get a student visa?
You can get a student visa from the nearest Turkish Embassy or Consulates after your admission to the programs.
- How can I get a residence permit?
Please apply https://www.goc.gov.tr/
For more information, please click on this link:
- Is a foreign identification number required? How can I get one?
Foreign identification number consisting of 11 digits is a unique number given to foreigners who received Residence Permit for a particular time for any purpose by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality. To find out your foreigner identification number, click on this link: https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr